
Online SEO Training Courses and Classes on UrbanPro

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Professional Background in Digital Marketing Experience: 4 years Industries Worked: Finance, Hospitality, Food, IT, Fitness, SaaS, Education Employment Types: Full-time, Freelance Specializations: SEO, Content Writing, Lead Generation, Prospect Research, Market Strategy Past Companies Worked: Scaalex: Full-time Digital Marketer Mysore Concerns: Freelance Digital Marketer ObrigadoGoa: Full-time Digital Marketing Specialist Xpert: Freelance Digital Marketing Consultant MyCaptain: Full-time Digital Marketing Manager Nero Gym: Freelance Digital Marketing Expert Expertise in Tools: SEMrush Moz Google Search Console Ahrefs Canva WordPress Wix Miro Confluence Google Ads Automation and AI Tools Teaching Experience: Freelance Instructor for Digital Marketing and Advanced SEO Main Strengths: Lead Generation SEO Prospect Research Multi-channel Prospecting Key Teaching Areas: SEO Mastery: Gain expertise in optimizing websites for search engines and improving organic rankings. Digital Marketing Strategy: Learn how to create effective digital marketing strategies tailored to specific industries. Freelancing Career: Discover the steps to establish a successful freelance career in digital marketing. Prospect Research: Master the art of prospect research and building multiple channels to acquire leads. Project Acquisition: Learn how to secure multiple digital marketing projects and build a strong online portfolio. Internship Strategies: Explore unique approaches to quickly land valuable internships in the digital marketing field. Resume Building: Learn to craft a compelling resume that highlights your digital marketing skills and experience. AI Tools Utilization: Leverage automation and AI tools to enhance digital marketing performance. Certifications: Google Digital Unlocked MOZ SEO Social Media Marketing Mastery StepsKochi Digital Marketing Certification Google Customer-Centric Marketing Notable Achievements: StepsKochi: Achieved first-page Google SERP rankings for local keywords within 8 months through enhanced link building and competitor analysis. Mysore Concerns: Ranked for 36 new keywords in organic search results within 3 months. ObrigadoGoa: Boosted website traffic by 38% in 3 months through local SEO optimization, competitor analysis, link building, and targeted content marketing. Xpert: Increased website traffic from 590 to 3k within 5 months by comprehensive on-page SEO improvements and strategic off-page techniques. My extensive experience and expertise in various aspects of digital marketing make me a valuable resource for individuals looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in this field. My proven track record of achieving tangible results for diverse industries further reinforces my credibility as an instructor. Students can expect to gain practical insights and actionable strategies for succeeding in the world of digital marketing under my guidance.

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SEO Training Classes - by Saurav Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sun, 22 Oct at 05:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Saurav Kumar

Intro Video

Professional Background in Digital Marketing Experience: 4 years Industries Worked: Finance, Hospitality, Food, IT, Fitness, SaaS, Education Employment Types: Full-time, Freelance Specializations: SEO, Content Writing, Lead Generation, Prospect Research, Market Strategy Past Companies Worked: Scaalex: Full-time Digital Marketer Mysore Concerns: Freelance Digital Marketer ObrigadoGoa: Full-time Digital Marketing Specialist Xpert: Freelance Digital Marketing Consultant MyCaptain: Full-time Digital Marketing Manager Nero Gym: Freelance Digital Marketing Expert Expertise in Tools: SEMrush Moz Google Search Console Ahrefs Canva WordPress Wix Miro Confluence Google Ads Automation and AI Tools Teaching Experience: Freelance Instructor for Digital Marketing and Advanced SEO Main Strengths: Lead Generation SEO Prospect Research Multi-channel Prospecting Key Teaching Areas: SEO Mastery: Gain expertise in optimizing websites for search engines and improving organic rankings. Digital Marketing Strategy: Learn how to create effective digital marketing strategies tailored to specific industries. Freelancing Career: Discover the steps to establish a successful freelance career in digital marketing. Prospect Research: Master the art of prospect research and building multiple channels to acquire leads. Project Acquisition: Learn how to secure multiple digital marketing projects and build a strong online portfolio. Internship Strategies: Explore unique approaches to quickly land valuable internships in the digital marketing field. Resume Building: Learn to craft a compelling resume that highlights your digital marketing skills and experience. AI Tools Utilization: Leverage automation and AI tools to enhance digital marketing performance. Certifications: Google Digital Unlocked MOZ SEO Social Media Marketing Mastery StepsKochi Digital Marketing Certification Google Customer-Centric Marketing Notable Achievements: StepsKochi: Achieved first-page Google SERP rankings for local keywords within 8 months through enhanced link building and competitor analysis. Mysore Concerns: Ranked for 36 new keywords in organic search results within 3 months. ObrigadoGoa: Boosted website traffic by 38% in 3 months through local SEO optimization, competitor analysis, link building, and targeted content marketing. Xpert: Increased website traffic from 590 to 3k within 5 months by comprehensive on-page SEO improvements and strategic off-page techniques. My extensive experience and expertise in various aspects of digital marketing make me a valuable resource for individuals looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in this field. My proven track record of achieving tangible results for diverse industries further reinforces my credibility as an instructor. Students can expect to gain practical insights and actionable strategies for succeeding in the world of digital marketing under my guidance.

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SEO Training Classes - by Saurav Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sun, 22 Oct at 05:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Saurav Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sun, 22 Oct at 05:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Saurav Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sun, 22 Oct at 05:00pm

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₹ 69

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Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Full Stack Development and Digital Marketing with an industry-seasoned professional! With an academic foundation of a Bachelor's in Computer Science and eight years of hands-on experience in the IT sector, I bring a wealth of knowledge to your learning experience. Driven by a passion for teaching, I have dedicated three years as an individual trainer, honing the skills required for effective knowledge transfer. My approach to teaching is not just a profession; it's a calling to share the intricacies of the digital realm with aspiring learners. Course Offerings: 1. Full Stack Development: Dive into the dynamic landscape of Full Stack Development, covering both Front End and Back End technologies. Whether you're a budding coder or a seasoned developer, the course is tailored to suit all levels. My eight years in the IT sector provide a real-world perspective, ensuring you learn the latest technologies and industry best practices. Each online session, spanning one hour, is meticulously designed to be practical-oriented, ensuring that you not only grasp theoretical concepts but also apply them in real-world scenarios. 2. SEO and Digital Marketing: Uncover the secrets of SEO and Digital Marketing, essential skills in today's tech-driven world. From search engine algorithms to creating compelling digital campaigns, I guide you through the intricacies of the digital marketing landscape. The one-hour online sessions focus on practical applications, ensuring you develop tangible skills that can be applied to enhance online visibility and reach. Teaching Philosophy: My teaching philosophy is rooted in practicality. The digital world is ever-evolving, and I believe in equipping my students with hands-on experience. Each session is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing a holistic learning experience. Questions are not just encouraged; they are the key to a deeper understanding. Together, we explore, code, and navigate the challenges of modern development and marketing practices. Join the Digital Revolution: Whether you're looking to enhance your coding skills, delve into Full Stack Development, or master the art of digital marketing, these courses are designed to cater to your aspirations. Let's navigate the digital landscape together, making every session count. Secure your spot in these online courses, and let's turn your passion for technology into a powerful skill set that propels you forward in the digital age!

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Wed, 28 Dec at 09:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Bharanidharan

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Full Stack Development and Digital Marketing with an industry-seasoned professional! With an academic foundation of a Bachelor's in Computer Science and eight years of hands-on experience in the IT sector, I bring a wealth of knowledge to your learning experience. Driven by a passion for teaching, I have dedicated three years as an individual trainer, honing the skills required for effective knowledge transfer. My approach to teaching is not just a profession; it's a calling to share the intricacies of the digital realm with aspiring learners. Course Offerings: 1. Full Stack Development: Dive into the dynamic landscape of Full Stack Development, covering both Front End and Back End technologies. Whether you're a budding coder or a seasoned developer, the course is tailored to suit all levels. My eight years in the IT sector provide a real-world perspective, ensuring you learn the latest technologies and industry best practices. Each online session, spanning one hour, is meticulously designed to be practical-oriented, ensuring that you not only grasp theoretical concepts but also apply them in real-world scenarios. 2. SEO and Digital Marketing: Uncover the secrets of SEO and Digital Marketing, essential skills in today's tech-driven world. From search engine algorithms to creating compelling digital campaigns, I guide you through the intricacies of the digital marketing landscape. The one-hour online sessions focus on practical applications, ensuring you develop tangible skills that can be applied to enhance online visibility and reach. Teaching Philosophy: My teaching philosophy is rooted in practicality. The digital world is ever-evolving, and I believe in equipping my students with hands-on experience. Each session is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing a holistic learning experience. Questions are not just encouraged; they are the key to a deeper understanding. Together, we explore, code, and navigate the challenges of modern development and marketing practices. Join the Digital Revolution: Whether you're looking to enhance your coding skills, delve into Full Stack Development, or master the art of digital marketing, these courses are designed to cater to your aspirations. Let's navigate the digital landscape together, making every session count. Secure your spot in these online courses, and let's turn your passion for technology into a powerful skill set that propels you forward in the digital age!

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Wed, 28 Dec at 09:00pm

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Wed, 28 Dec at 09:00pm

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Wed, 28 Dec at 09:00pm

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₹ 69

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(2 reviews)

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Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Full Stack Development and Digital Marketing with an industry-seasoned professional! With an academic foundation of a Bachelor's in Computer Science and eight years of hands-on experience in the IT sector, I bring a wealth of knowledge to your learning experience. Driven by a passion for teaching, I have dedicated three years as an individual trainer, honing the skills required for effective knowledge transfer. My approach to teaching is not just a profession; it's a calling to share the intricacies of the digital realm with aspiring learners. Course Offerings: 1. Full Stack Development: Dive into the dynamic landscape of Full Stack Development, covering both Front End and Back End technologies. Whether you're a budding coder or a seasoned developer, the course is tailored to suit all levels. My eight years in the IT sector provide a real-world perspective, ensuring you learn the latest technologies and industry best practices. Each online session, spanning one hour, is meticulously designed to be practical-oriented, ensuring that you not only grasp theoretical concepts but also apply them in real-world scenarios. 2. SEO and Digital Marketing: Uncover the secrets of SEO and Digital Marketing, essential skills in today's tech-driven world. From search engine algorithms to creating compelling digital campaigns, I guide you through the intricacies of the digital marketing landscape. The one-hour online sessions focus on practical applications, ensuring you develop tangible skills that can be applied to enhance online visibility and reach. Teaching Philosophy: My teaching philosophy is rooted in practicality. The digital world is ever-evolving, and I believe in equipping my students with hands-on experience. Each session is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing a holistic learning experience. Questions are not just encouraged; they are the key to a deeper understanding. Together, we explore, code, and navigate the challenges of modern development and marketing practices. Join the Digital Revolution: Whether you're looking to enhance your coding skills, delve into Full Stack Development, or master the art of digital marketing, these courses are designed to cater to your aspirations. Let's navigate the digital landscape together, making every session count. Secure your spot in these online courses, and let's turn your passion for technology into a powerful skill set that propels you forward in the digital age!

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Sat, 1 Oct at 09:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Bharanidharan

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Full Stack Development and Digital Marketing with an industry-seasoned professional! With an academic foundation of a Bachelor's in Computer Science and eight years of hands-on experience in the IT sector, I bring a wealth of knowledge to your learning experience. Driven by a passion for teaching, I have dedicated three years as an individual trainer, honing the skills required for effective knowledge transfer. My approach to teaching is not just a profession; it's a calling to share the intricacies of the digital realm with aspiring learners. Course Offerings: 1. Full Stack Development: Dive into the dynamic landscape of Full Stack Development, covering both Front End and Back End technologies. Whether you're a budding coder or a seasoned developer, the course is tailored to suit all levels. My eight years in the IT sector provide a real-world perspective, ensuring you learn the latest technologies and industry best practices. Each online session, spanning one hour, is meticulously designed to be practical-oriented, ensuring that you not only grasp theoretical concepts but also apply them in real-world scenarios. 2. SEO and Digital Marketing: Uncover the secrets of SEO and Digital Marketing, essential skills in today's tech-driven world. From search engine algorithms to creating compelling digital campaigns, I guide you through the intricacies of the digital marketing landscape. The one-hour online sessions focus on practical applications, ensuring you develop tangible skills that can be applied to enhance online visibility and reach. Teaching Philosophy: My teaching philosophy is rooted in practicality. The digital world is ever-evolving, and I believe in equipping my students with hands-on experience. Each session is a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, providing a holistic learning experience. Questions are not just encouraged; they are the key to a deeper understanding. Together, we explore, code, and navigate the challenges of modern development and marketing practices. Join the Digital Revolution: Whether you're looking to enhance your coding skills, delve into Full Stack Development, or master the art of digital marketing, these courses are designed to cater to your aspirations. Let's navigate the digital landscape together, making every session count. Secure your spot in these online courses, and let's turn your passion for technology into a powerful skill set that propels you forward in the digital age!

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Sat, 1 Oct at 09:00pm

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Sat, 1 Oct at 09:00pm

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SEO Training by Bharanidharan

(2 reviews)

Sat, 1 Oct at 09:00pm

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₹ 69

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(2 reviews)

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I am an Engineer turned Digital Marketer. I have total 10 years of professional experience out of which 6 years in Digital Marketing. I am proficient in core Digital Marketing practices like SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, Wordpress Development. I teach candidates online through skype or any other online training tools and offline at Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bangalore.

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sat, 23 Mar at 01:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Mukesh Kumar


I am an Engineer turned Digital Marketer. I have total 10 years of professional experience out of which 6 years in Digital Marketing. I am proficient in core Digital Marketing practices like SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, Wordpress Development. I teach candidates online through skype or any other online training tools and offline at Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bangalore.

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sat, 23 Mar at 01:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sat, 23 Mar at 01:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Sat, 23 Mar at 01:00pm

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₹ 69

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(23 reviews)

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Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sun, 17 Sep at 02:40pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Preetham M


Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sun, 17 Sep at 02:40pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(15 reviews)

Sun, 17 Sep at 02:40pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sun, 17 Sep at 02:40pm

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₹ 69

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(2 reviews)

Not scheduled yet

I am an Engineer turned Digital Marketer. I have total 10 years of professional experience out of which 6 years in Digital Marketing. I am proficient in core Digital Marketing practices like SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, Wordpress Development. I teach candidates online through skype or any other online training tools and offline at Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bangalore.

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Mon, 19 Jun at 01:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Mukesh Kumar


I am an Engineer turned Digital Marketer. I have total 10 years of professional experience out of which 6 years in Digital Marketing. I am proficient in core Digital Marketing practices like SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, Wordpress Development. I teach candidates online through skype or any other online training tools and offline at Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bangalore.

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Mon, 19 Jun at 01:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Mon, 19 Jun at 01:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Mon, 19 Jun at 01:00pm

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₹ 69

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(23 reviews)

Not scheduled yet

Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sat, 4 Mar at 12:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Preetham M


Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sat, 4 Mar at 12:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(15 reviews)

Sat, 4 Mar at 12:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sat, 4 Mar at 12:00pm

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₹ 69

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(2 reviews)

Not scheduled yet

I am an Engineer turned Digital Marketer. I have total 10 years of professional experience out of which 6 years in Digital Marketing. I am proficient in core Digital Marketing practices like SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, Wordpress Development. I teach candidates online through skype or any other online training tools and offline at Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bangalore.

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Fri, 3 Mar at 01:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Mukesh Kumar


I am an Engineer turned Digital Marketer. I have total 10 years of professional experience out of which 6 years in Digital Marketing. I am proficient in core Digital Marketing practices like SEO, SEM, SMM, Email Marketing, Wordpress Development. I teach candidates online through skype or any other online training tools and offline at Rajarajeshwari Nagar in Bangalore.

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Fri, 3 Mar at 01:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Fri, 3 Mar at 01:00pm

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SEO Training Classes - by Mukesh Kumar

(2 reviews)

Fri, 3 Mar at 01:00pm

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₹ 69

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(23 reviews)

Not scheduled yet

Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sat, 17 Sep at 12:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Preetham M


Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sat, 17 Sep at 12:00pm

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(15 reviews)

Sat, 17 Sep at 12:00pm

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sat, 17 Sep at 12:00pm

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₹ 69

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(23 reviews)

Not scheduled yet

Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sun, 28 Aug at 02:00pm


Join me for this Free SEO Training class. We will be live on zoom and you can ask me anything Let's explore and have fun learning.

About Preetham M


Experienced and certified digital marketing professional with an overall 7years in SEO, SMM and SEM.Help small and medium business with their SEO and get locally rank their websites

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sun, 28 Aug at 02:00pm

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(15 reviews)

Sun, 28 Aug at 02:00pm

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SEO Training by Preetham M

(23 reviews)

Sun, 28 Aug at 02:00pm

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₹ 69

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Reviews for top SEO Training Classes
Average Rating
SEO Training Classes
5.0 704

704 Reviews

  • K
    review star review star review star review star review star
    15 Sep, 2014

    Nitin Wadhwa attended SEO Training

    "Thank you to Kangaroo Wings"

    review star review star review star review star review star
    02 Aug, 2020

    Kushager attended SEO Training

    "Classes were amazing. She has a good command over the subject. She explains topic in such a way that are so easy to grasp. She is so clear with all the concepts. "

  • K
    review star review star review star review star review star
    28 Mar, 2016

    Jatin Sharma attended SEO Training

    "It has been a wonderful journey with Dosemo learning Digital Marketing. It has world-class facilities providing niche learning material as well as hands on experience! I had an amazing teacher who is also an amazing mentor, catering to individual learning styles. Anyone who needs a crash course in digital marketing - this is the place to be in!"

    review star review star review star review star review star
    29 Jul, 2018

    Mukesh attended SEO Training

    "The course definitely educated me about SEO. Most importantly, it gave me a checklist of elements to implement when implementing SEO on a website. Take your time to go through the course and the reading material and see for yourselves that this has a great value. "

  • O
    review star review star review star review star review star
    16 Sep, 2014

    Chiranjeevi Bhattarai attended SEO Training

    "This is one of the best Digital Media training institutes."

    review star review star review star review star review star
    30 May, 2019

    Poonam attended SEO Training

    "Great experience while learning with him. Nice teaching. Solving daubts at any time. Recommended to all students who wants to learn SEO. "

  • G
    review star review star review star review star review star
    09 Jul, 2023

    Balram attended SEO Training

    "GPS computer Academy is best computer training(coaching) in Jaipur. I am also student of graphic design stream . It's environment of education is very nice. I am very enjoying in training to project base. Sir training on live project of clients. Every student try to it for training. "

    review star review star review star review star review star
    16 Sep, 2015

    Seeni attended SEO Training,Google Analytics Training,Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Training

    "I am trainer is very useful in digital marketing so i like the class "

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SEO Training Questions

Is SEO still in demand?

Demand for SEO has been growing yearly based on Google Trends and Exploding Topics data. For many businesses,...

Which is the best training centers to learn real time digital marketing in hyderabad?

I am not from Hyderabad but i would like share few things to make digital marketing institute search...

sir how many days it will take to complete SEO COURSE

It depends, but mostly one month is enough to learn SEO and mostly on-page and off-page SEO

What is SEO certification?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website to increase visibility on popular...

Is there any institute for digital marketing training in North West Delhi?

If you don't find any best institute in your locality, we can provide best online training for you to meet your expectation.

SEO Training Lessons

How to use Social Media for Brand Promotion and Lead generation?

Brands use social media to connect with target audience to generate new business, brand promotion and can interact with customers. But still 80% of brands...

SEO Terms

1. What is a website? Ans. It is set of hosted webpages which gets served in browser with a domain name.Each website has its own unique name called domain...

The 3 types of SEO Tactics

Understanding the meaning of SEO - Search Engine OptimizationSearch Engine Optimization is the process of getting quality traffic to your website through...

How to use Social Media for Brand Promotion and Lead generation?

Brands use social media to connect with target audience to generate new business, brand promotion and can interact with customers. But still 80% of brands...

How to conduct SEO audit for a client or own company website?

So SEO, as everyone knows, is pretty important and if your website is not SEO ready then the possibility of ranking higher or even being present on the...

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UrbanPro.com is India's largest network of most trusted tutors and institutes. Over 55 lakh students rely on UrbanPro.com, to fulfill their learning requirements across 1,000+ categories. Using UrbanPro.com, parents, and students can compare multiple Tutors and Institutes and choose the one that best suits their requirements. More than 7.5 lakh verified Tutors and Institutes are helping millions of students every day and growing their tutoring business on UrbanPro.com. Whether you are looking for a tutor to learn mathematics, a German language trainer to brush up your German language skills or an institute to upgrade your IT skills, we have got the best selection of Tutors and Training Institutes for you. Read more